Electric Vehicle Charging IoT Platform on Amazon Web Services

With Evnex, we built the IoT backend for a nationwide electric vehicle charging network. Hosted on AWS, it set a foundation for the expansion of Evnex into Australia.

Client Overview:

Evnex is a company that manufactures NZ-made electric vehicle (EV) chargers, facilitates installation, and provides expert advice on all things related to the infrastructure surrounding electric vehicle charging.

Challenge: The client's primary challenge was to scale the Evnex platform from a single linux virtual machine to a resilient, compatible and secure IoT platform that could support thousands of chargers around the world.

New Zealand


  • Strategic Planning: Understanding the current environment allowed us to build a platform that fit a wide range of use cases.
  • Containerization: Implementing containers for deploying services meant we could easily automate testing, deployments and rollback. It also secured the software delivery supply chain, so we could easily call on known-working artifacts.
  • WebSocket Load Balancing: Ensuing the application was written in a stateless way meant we could deploy multiple redundant, yet active, instances in parallel. This allowed for reliable balancing and failover of the critical WebSocket connections for Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) connections.
  • Holistic Security: To secure an IoT platform you have to consider everything from the backend software applications right out to considering physical tampering with the OCPP-compatible charge points. We worked with firmware and backend developers to architect solutions for securing a range of areas including network transport security, data storage security and incident response management.


When Evnex first started working with Rupert, it was a very small company with only four employees.

Through multiple funding rounds and phases of growth, Evnex grew to an international player in the EV Charging infrastructure market.

Along the journey we built and managed various parts of their infrastructure including Amazon Web Services assets like DynamoDB, Elastic Container Service (ECS), Simple Queue Service (SQS) and worked directly on security improvements with the backend and the charging devices themselves.
